Saturday, February 23, 2008

FDH Lounge Show #25: February 24, 2008

By Rick Morris

UPDATE: Check out the results of our draft here in The FDH Lounge forum.

On this Sunday night’s 25th edition of THE FDH LOUNGE (8-11 PM EST on, we reprise what is probably our most controversial segment on the program with a decidedly non-traditional approach to fantasy sports, our second annual “Fantasy I’d Hit That Draft.” This will comprise our entire program.

The premise is simple: The Dignitaries of the Lounge grade one another on their taste in women, with female celebrities being the basis of judgment. We conduct a draft in standard serpentine form, with a random draw for position preceding the even and with each Dignitary using each pick on a female celebrity and the rest of us judging said woman based on her perceived pulchritude.

We will be going 10 rounds, dividing the draft up into three periods just like a hockey game: (Rounds 1-3, Rounds 4-6 and Rounds 7-10). We will tally up scores in progress at each break so that we have some sense of who is winning as we are going along.

Those breaks in the draft represent one alteration from last year’s inaugural event. The other change is based on the scoring. Frankly, some of the scores from last year’s event were very questionable (in particular, I will always be befuddled by the extremely poor numbers given to Ivanka Trump and Keira Knightley), so we are throwing out the low score awarded by each judge before we tally up the average. Additionally, we are changing the spectrum of available scores: last year, we went from 0-100 and this year we are utilizing 0-10. Usage of decimal points in scores is prohibited and those of us who are returning from last year’s event are only allowed to use two picks on women we selected previously.

As with last year, I realize that there are many who will perceive this event in poor taste. That is their right, and indeed, some of The Dignitaries are opting out of the program because they feel it would be inconvenient with their personal and/or professional circumstances to participate. I understand fully and there are no hard feelings about that. Interestingly, we are actually going to have more Dignitaries participating this year anyway. But to the point about this program representing some sort of heinous societal degradation: I beg to differ. Our program appeals largely to an 18-54 male demographic (although all listeners are certainly welcome) and the simple reality is that last year’s draft got the biggest audience reaction of any of our first 24 shows with the exception of our Benoit family tragedy retrospective on July 1. Guys love to argue about the attractiveness of women, period, and we try to provide fun and interesting exchanges on our show that represent the interests of our audience. As for the name of the draft, “I’d Hit That,” in our estimation it’s merely appropriating a common term for tongue-in-cheek purposes and it’s meant in a light-hearted, humrous manner. For people who are still inclined to be offended by this event after this explanation, then I guess we just agree to disagree.

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